Please be advised that when you open a song that includes arpeggios you manually relocated horizontally, they may appear in undesired location with this change.
To avoid undesired changes, you'll be asked whether to apply it or not when app detects arpeggios to relocate.
The change(s) will be applied to all or none, not case by case.
Scroll gesture in Editor View isn't responsive on some devices.
3.1.9 : iPad OS only (01/23/2021)
Fixed the following error found in 3.1.0
One Flick Entry with Apple Pencil wasn't responsive.
3.1.1 - 3.1.8 : iOS/iPad OS (01/02/2021 - 01/20/2021)
Fixed the following errors found in 3.1.0
Playback Location Indicator didsn't appear properly for some cases.
Rhythmic Notation with Beam appeared improperly for some cases.
Reordering Tracks in Track Settings doesn't update the sounds accordingly.
Grace note Command didn't lock when the note head was moved up/down. (wasn't fully fixed on 3.1.4)
Changing Time Signature occasionally showed unexpected result.
Grace note entry via Keyboard failed on some cases.
Adding or removing bar lines or deleting bars before the bar of key change caused a critical error.
Chord Minimum Division in Score Settings didn't work.
Some errors to draw Slur for grace note(s).
Harmony entry with Legacy Keyboard didn't work.
Opening a file failed on some cases.
Eraser tool didn't keep locked on some cases.
Tempo Change didn't work properly.
ItemMover didn't lock.
Text after 2nd bar couldn't be updated nor erased.
Adding Slur failed when the group contained grace note
Dialogbox to change Line in Lyrics Command appeared inproperly depending on zoom scale.
Whole Bar Rest appeared inproperly when the bar contained time/key change.
8va command didn't work properly for some cases.
SondData conversion failed when the song title was empty.
PageView didn't open when the footer of converted SongData was empty.
App crashed on key setting / key change..
Chord paste command didn't work properly.
3.1.10 (01.08.2021)
Fixed the following errors found in 3.1.0
Stability improvements
Text Data after 2nd bar can't be updated nor erased.
Slur crashes when the group includes grace note
Whole Bar Rest appears improperly when the bar has time/key change.
Tempo Change wasn't editable.
3.1.9 (01.01.2021)
Fixed the following errors found in 3.1.0
Crash on Key Settings / Key Change
3.1.1 - 3.1.8 (10.28.2020 - 12.29.2020)
Fixed the following errors found in 3.1.0
Some of Slur data didn't properly saved to file
3.1.7 (12.27.2020)
Stability and performance improvements
3.1.6 (12.03.2020)
Fixed the following errors found in 3.1.0
Articulations not appearing on 2 & 4 voices
Stability and performance improvements
3.1.1 - 3.1.5 (10.28.2020 - 11.28.2020)
Stability and performance improvements
3.1.0 (12/30/2020)
iWriteMusic for iPad became Pro
Now this app runs on Mac with Apple Silicon CPU
Not runs on Mac with Intel Based CPUs
iPhone version is also capable to run on Mac with Apple Silicon, however, the screen stays in iPhone screen format.
Data(.iwm) is compatible with Android version.
Playback in background is now supported.
Remove page number option is added.
Improved Tuplet bracket positioning.
Other minor improvements and bug fixes
Song Data Conversion & Preservation (iOS, iPad OS only)
From version 3.1.0, this app started using new SongData format.
In order to make SongData (.iwm) shareable on different platforms, any Song Data created before this version must be converted to the new format when it is loaded on version 3.1.0 or later.
Data Preservation
Because this is a big change, we have tested extensively to make sure everything works properly, however, because of the nature of what it is, it is hardly possible for us to confirm it is 100% safe although it is 100% safe as far as we know (as of 2020/12/19).
So, when the app overwrites your existing Songdata created with previous versions, you'll be asked if you want to preserve it.
You'll have a choice of: Always Preserve, Always Ask, Never Preserve, which you can change later in Application Settings.
Preserved SongData won't be updated any more, but will be helpful to recover it in case something unexpected happened.
Data Backup
As always, making backup of your important SongData is strongly recommended.
The easiest way to make backup is:
In FileListView, select Edit (top left) to go to Edit Mode.
Select all files you want to make backup.
Select Email from the screen bottom, then email them to yourself.
If you have a computer, open the email and save all the attached files to somewhere safe.
Then you can import them back to iWriteMusic whenever you need. Most importantly, by doing this, you no longer need to worry about Data Preservation.
How to find Preserved SongData
You can't directly access those data in iWriteMusic.
To find them, you need to connect your device to Mac or any other computer that can run iTunes so you can use File Sharing feature.
Then, you can find PreservedData folder like below.
Although you can't open the folder in the view, you can Hold + Drag to somewhere else such as Desktop or Downloads.
You can delete this PreservedData folder as you need. The folder will be recreated when iWriteMusic needs it.
Android Version is now available (10/10/2020)
Android version is a universal app, which runs on Phones, Tablets and Chromebooks.
There is no SE(free)+Paid version. The purchase must be made through In-App Purchase.
3.0.20 (06/20/2020)
Minor updates (Improvements & Bug fixes)
3.0.19 (11/21/2019)
Minor updates (Improvements & Bug fixes)
Fixed iOS13, iPadOS Compatibility issues
3.0.18 (03/28/2019)
Fixed Playback issue with Slide Over / Split Screen on iPad.
3.0.17 (03/19/2019)
Added Duplet support
Minor updates (Improvements & Bug fixes)
3.0.16 (03/25/2018)
Editor remembers the selection of Note and Rest from previous entry.
3.0.15 (03/05/2018)
Screen Layout Adoption to iPhone X
File Sharing via iTunes
Stability and Prerformance Improvements & Bug fixes
3.0.1 - 3.0.14 (11/17/2017)
Minor updates (Improvements & Bug fixes)
3.0.0 (8/19/2016)
SlideOver & SplitView
Adaption to bigger screen
Completely regesigned navigation
Favorite Tools for customization
Improved OneFlick Entry
Independent Layout Settings on Score/Parts
Custom Parts/Score is available
Hide Track setting is independent on EditorView and PageView
Keyboard support for iPhone
X/16 Time Signature
64th Note/Rest
More Mixed Tuplets
GraceNote Duration Option (32 or 64)
Customizable Max Zoomout Scale
2.5.1 - 2.5.2 (2/12/2016)
Minor updates (Improvements & Bug fixes)
Version 2.5.0 (11/20/2015)
Grace Note Entry
Stem Length Adjustment with ItemMover
Improved Slur features.
Delete/Clear Bar now handles multiple bars.
Many other improvements for easier score writing
2.4.11 (5/26/2015)
PageView issues on iOS8 is fixed.
2.4.10 (5/7/2015)
Text Keyboard issue (immediately dissapears) on iOS8.3 is fixed.
2.4.9 (12/27/2014)
Language Support (Italian, French, Portgueese and Spanish) added.
2.4.7 - 2.4.8
Minor updates (Improvements & Bug fixes)
Version 2.4.6 (9/18/2014)
Minor updates (Improvements & Bug fixes)
Fixes for iOS8 compatibility issue (appeard terrible dragging on playback).
Version 2.4.1 (8/1/2014) - Version 2.4.5 (8/28/2014)
Minor updates (Improvements & Bug fixes)
Version 2.4.0 (7/27/2014)
Built-in Keyboard (iPad version only)
Note Entry is expanded for higher/lower notes
Many improvements for easier score writing
Version 2.3.7 - 2.3.13
Minor updates (Improvements & Bug fixes)
Version 2.3.6 (4/15/2014)
Paper Select (A4/Letter)
iCloud Data Transfer (Paid version only)
Hide Rest
Performance Improvement on larger data
Version 2.3.5 (12/6/2013)
Japanese is supported from this version (日本語をサポート)